Edwin actively participates in events to share practical experience in tax technical and tax management skills, to promote awareness of tax issues, and hopefully provide value to people we speak to. We are also keen on providing comments to the authorities in the process of tax rule formulation. Here are some of the events that we have participated in since our establishment.
17 October 2019 – Digital Tax: How Governments Deal with Digital Transactions – 2019 AOTCA Busan International Tax Conference
I was one of the two speakers representing the Taxation Institute of Hong Kong to present to hundreds of tax professionals from the region. My presentation topic was: Digital Tax: How the Governments Deal with Digital Transactions where I covered Hong Kong, and the other 4 speakers from Europe, Philippines, Malaysia and Vietnam covered their respective jurisdictions. It is a timely topic as the New World Order on the digital permanent establishment is just around the corner. AOTCA stands for the Asia-Oceanic Tax Consultants’ Association (www.aotca.org).
12 September 2019 – An Update on the BVI Economic Substance Regime
I chaired this full-house event hosted by the Taxation Institute of Hong Kong where the audience was attracted by the topic and the great speakers: Ms. Sherri Ortiz-Fahie, Director of BVI House Asia and Ms. Anita Tsang, Director of National Tax Policy Services at PwC Hong Kong.

Events participated by Manage Your Tax
9 July 2019 – HKICPA Seminar – Important Points to Note on Country-by-Country Reporting
We shared with 120 participants the basic rules on CbCR, our experience in CbCR preparation, the Hong Kong rules as well as some issues that may arise in merger and acquisition situation created by CbCR. The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) hosted the event and we are grateful to Dr Christina Ng for chairing the seminar.

20 May 2019 – International Tax: Planning and Application
We, together with Ms. Cherry Lam (International Tax Partner, EY), delivered the last in a series of four lectures on International Tax hosted by the Taxation Institute of Hong Kong. In this lecture, we shared with the audience how does BEPS and other current initiatives around the world are affecting international tax planning, and what multinational groups should do in response to this wave of change.

7 May 2019 – Luncheon with the Commissioner of the Inland Revenue
We joined the Annual Luncheon between the Taxation Institute of Hong Kong and the Commissioner of the Inland Revenue and his senior team. It was an enjoyable lunch which certainly helped strengthen the relationship between the two sides.

11 April 2019 – Michael Page Tax Seminar
We were invited by Michael Page to share with a group of finance and tax directors “Practical Tips on Tax Management in a Changing Tax Landscape“. The seminar was well received and we will certainly arrange more events together with Michael Page.

8 April 2019 – Shenzhen Association of Certified Tax Agent – Quarterly Discussion Forum
This is the second time we participate in this Quarterly Discussion Forum which was held in Hong Kong for the first time, jointly by the Taxation Institute of Hong Kong and the Shenzhen Association of Certified Tax Agent. It is an intensive technical discussion forum on the latest PRC tax circulars and tax policy announcements. Participants included tax agents and representatives from the Shenzhen Tax Bureau.

30 March 2019 – The 35th Inauguration Ceremony of the Hong Kong Federation of Business Students
Our MD was one of the invited guests of the 35th Inauguration Ceremony of the Hong Kong Federation of Business Students, which serves over 15,000 local students studying business subjects in 9 local universities in Hong Kong. Mr Liu Chun-san, JP, Under Secretary for Development, Hong Kong SAR Government was the Guest of Honour. The other Guest Speakers included Mr Raymund Chao, Chairman for PwC in Asia Pacific and Greater China and Mr Kenny Koo, CEO of Hutchison Telecommunications Hong Kong Holdings Limited. We talked to many students and were impressed by their enthusiasm and proactiveness in serving fellow students and gearing up for their future career.

6 March 2019 – Workshop on Country-by-Country Reporting
We shared with almost 70 participants our experience in CbCR and the Hong Kong regulations, covering the scope, notification, preparation, filing and penalties in this two-hour evening seminar. We went through the CbCR mechanism, examples, step plan, and points to note in the preparation of the CbCR for filing in Hong Kong, including demonstrating the data input file developed and the CbC Portal of the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department. The Taxation Institute of Hong Kong (TIHK) hosted the event and Mr Victor Lee, Chairman of the TIHK CPD Committee, chaired the workshop.

14-15 February 2019 – Spring Festival Visit to the Guangdong Tax Offices
We joined the Taxation Institute of Hong Kong delegation to visit the Shenzhen, Dongguan, Guangzhou and Guangdong Provincial Tax Offices and the respective taxation institutes and tax agent associations. It is an annual event that has a long tradition. The delegation was very warmly received. Discussions were lively and in-depth, fostering even stronger bonding between the cities and strengthened the foundation for future cooperation on tax matters.
Click here for the report by the Chinese Taxation News – Web Edition.

12 February 2019 – TIHK Press Conference on the 2019/20 Hong Kong Budget Proposals
Each year, the Taxation Institute of Hong Kong would present proposals to the Hong Kong Government on measures that would help improve Hong Kong’s economy and competitiveness. In the press conference for the 2019/20 Budget Proposal, our MD, together with Mr Jeremy Choi (President), Mr Marcellus Wong (Senior Advisor) and Mr Webster Ng (Vice-President) explained to the public the key proposals and answered questions from reporters. The event was well-covered by the local media and attracted a lot of attention.
For the HK TVB news report please click here.

19 January 2019 – ACCA 1Q2019 Tax Interest Group Meeting
We, together with Ms. Rebecca Wong (PwC Tax Partner) and Mr. Caesar Wong (RSM China Business MD) discussed details of the revised Chinese Individual Income Tax Law and detailed implementation rules on this Saturday afternoon. The room was fully packed. More information on the IIT Law can be found in our Tax Tips 14 and Tax Tips 17.

28 November 2018 – 2018 Cross Strait with Hong Kong and Macau Tax Conference
We, as one of the representatives of the Taxation Institute of Hong Kong, joined the 2018 Cross Strait with Hong Kong and Macau Tax Conference. Topic of the conference was “Impact of Global Tax Reform and New Technology on Industries and Taxation Service Providers”. We delivered a presentation on “New Hong Kong Tax Preference: Super-Deduction on R&D Expenditures” and participated in a panel discussion on Technology and Taxation.

24 November 2018 – Association of International Accountants – Hong Kong Branch – Hong Kong and China Tax Conference 2018
We are very delighted to be invited to speak to members of AIA-Hong Kong Branch in this annual tax conference. All the topics of the conference were very relevant to businesses and tax practitioners.

16 October 2018 – HKICPA Tax Faculty Seminar – A Practical Guide to Tax Management in a Changing Landscape
We were the sole speaker in this seminar to share our unique experience in tax management with over 200 audiences. The seminar was very well received.

26 September 2018 – Taxation Institute of Hong Kong (TIHK) – Lunch and Learn
We shared practical experience in managing tax risks relating to transfer pricing with the audience, together with fellow Panellists Ms. Karmen Yeung (Partner, KPMG) and Ms. Cecilia Lee (Partner, PwC), with Jeremy Choi (President, TIHK) as the Facilitator.

4 September 2018 – 69th National Day Celebration Dinner for the Accountancy Profession
We were invited by the Taxation Institute of Hong Kong to join the National Day Celebration Dinner. It was an enjoyable dinner with good food and company.

11 August 2018 – ACCA 2Q2018 Tax Interest Group Meeting
We, together with Mr. Dicky To and Dr. Danny Po discussed the hot topics of the amendments to the Chinese Individual Income Tax Law and the US-China trade war on this Saturday afternoon. The room was fully packed. More information on the IIT Law can be found in our Tax Tips 14.

26-27 July 2018 – TIHK Delegation to Beijing
The TIHK delegation, led by the President, Vice-Presidents and joined by members of the Advisory Board, Council and Chinese Tax Committee, visited a number of important departments and organisations in Beijing, including the Ministry of Finance, State Administration of Taxation, Beijing Municipal Tax Bureau, Chinese Tax Institute, China Certified Tax Agents Association and China International Taxation Research Institute. Current topic on economics, taxation policies and issues of mutual interest were discussed which help strengthen the bonds between TIHK and the various departments and organisations.

19 July 2018 – ACCA Tax Interest Group B Meeting
For the second time this year, we facilitated this two-hour evening tax discussion meeting together with Mr. Dicky To and shared with the audience the latest tax updates including the Hong Kong Transfer Pricing Documentation rules which have just been enacted, the implications of the proposed revision of the PRC Individual Income Tax Law, and shared an M&A case involving PRC corporate taxation.

18 July 2018 – TIHK China Tax Committee Special Meeting
We participated in this special meeting of the China Tax Committee to discuss the formal response that TIHK contemplates to submit to the National People’s Congress of the PRC on the proposed amendments to the PRC Individual Income Tax Law. All participants were doing their part in making the law better for China while ensuring that the voice of the Hong Kong people impacted by the proposal can be heard and considered.

17 May 2018 – ACCA Tax Interest Group B Meeting
We facilitated this two-hour evening tax discussion meeting together with Mr. Dicky To and shared with the audience the latest Hong Kong tax updates including the Two-tier Profits Tax System, Transfer Pricing Documentation requirements, the latest R&D super-deduction and the controversial Section 15F (taxing IP income earned by foreign associates), as well as a brief discussion on Public Notice 9 issued by the Mainland tax authority which has a huge impact on Hong Kong investors.

8 May 2018 – Shenzhen Association of Certified Tax Agent – Quarterly Discussion Forum
As one of the three representatives of the TIHK, we joined the intensive Discussion Forum of the Shenzhen Association of Certified Tax Agent on the latest PRC tax circulars and tax policy announcements. Participants included tax agents and representatives from the Shenzhen Local and State Tax Bureaus. The event started at 5:30pm and finished at 9:30pm without a break.

23 April 2018 – Taxation Institute of Hong Kong (TIHK) – Lunch and Learn
We shared practical experience in managing tax risks associated with Permanent Establishment with the audience, together with fellow Panellists Ms. Cherry Lam and Mr. Parken Tai, with Jeremy Choi (Vice-President, TIHK) as the Facilitator.

14 April 2018 – ACCA 1Q2018 Tax Interest Group Meeting
We were joined by Mr. Caesar Wong to share our insights on Public Notice 9 (see Tax Tips 9) with the audience and Facilitator Dr. Danny Po on this Saturday afternoon. Look at the big turnout!